  • 期刊


Wang Ting-siang's Criticism and Limitation of Zu-Xi's Theory of Human Nature




張載 理一分殊 氣質之性 本然之性


The purpose of the Paper is to explore Wang Ting-siang's criticism and limitation of Zu-Xi's theory of human nature. Based on this, the Paper is divided into four sections to explore Wang Ting-siang's criticism and limitation of Zu-Xi's theory of human nature: First, the Paper points out how Wang Ting-siang refuted Zhu Xi's ”Human Nature is TianLi (Xin Ji Li)” from ”Human Nature derives from Qi” from the difference between Zhu Xi and Wang Ting-siang in Li-Qi Theory. Second, due to the fact that Wang Ting-siang considered Zhu Xi's theory to have originated from the misreading of Mencius's theory of human nature, on one hand, he re-interprets Gaozi's theory of human nature, on the other hand, and he also advocates that Mencius is also not part of the theory of the original goodness of human nature. The Paper attempts to point out how Wang Ting-siang presents the arguments for the ”theory of original goodness of human nature” from the ”theory of good and bad human nature. Third, due to that Wang Ting-siang does not determine the moral behavior of human from the general moral nature of human, he does not think that human moral practice must be established based on the resumption of moral goodness. He, on the other hand, advocated that it must go through external moral regulations and the human moral cognitive ability to allow people to be on the path of goodness. This is his basic position of using ”human nature derives from habit” to refute the ”Theory of Restoring Human Nature”. Fourth, after the Paper has analyzed the criticism of Wang Ting-siang on Zhu Xi's theory of human nature, it also attempts to explore the limitation of Wang Ting-siang's limitation of the theory of human nature. It expects a complete presentation of Wang Ting-siang's insights and limitations on the issue of the theory of human nature through the abovementioned four sections.


(漢)鄭玄注,(唐)孔穎達疏:《禮記正義》卷52,收入《十三經注疏》(台 北:藝文印書館,2001 年)。
(宋)張載:《張載集》(台北:漢京文化事業有限公司,1983 年)。
(宋)程顥,程頤:《二程集》(北京:中華書局,1981 年)。
(宋)司馬光:〈善惡混辨〉,《溫國文正司馬公文集》(四部叢刊集部,上海: 涵芬樓影印宋紹熙刊本,1919 年),卷72。
(宋)朱熹撰,(民國)朱傑人等/主編,《四書章句集注》,《朱子全書》第 6 冊(上海:上海古籍出版社;安徽:安徽教育出版社,2002 年)。
