  • 期刊


Folk Medicine in Wang Fu's "Shan Hai Jing Cun"-Centered on "Wu Zang Shan Jing"




Different from the previous scholars in the classifications of "Shan Hai Jing Cun", Wang Fu divided "Wu Zang Shan Jing", into five chapters, combined "Hai Wai Si Jing", "Hai Nei Si Jing", and "Da Huang Si Jing" into three respective chapters, and made the fragmented chapter of "Hai Nei Jing" into one chapter. Therefore, there are nine chapters in total. Based on the contents of the text, Wang Fu arranged corresponding illustrations in between. According to the epilogue by Shi Qing-Lai, Chapters 6 and 7 of the surviving manuscripts had been lost. It is Yu JiaDing and Ja MeiKe who mended the illustrations afterwards. In "Shan Hai Jing", lots of maladies were described, including scabies, hearing loss, dizziness, and stomachache. There were also psychological and emotional maladies such as depression, panic disorder, confusion, and even issues like wishing for conception or birth control. The remedies for the conditions above surely vary: from wearing and smearing something on the body to taking certain animalistic or vegetative substance. There is no lack of some holy-grail skincare ingredients and herbs that make women more attractive to men. The "depression" was mentioned frequently in "Shan Hai Jing", and it has to be cured through wearing or eating animals or herbs, or keeping a beast called "fei-fei." Like fear and confusion, depression is one of abstract emotions. In "Shan Hai Jing", abstract emotions were discussed much more than physical pain. The remedy for those mental conditions tend to be "sympathetic magic" or "imitative magic" proposed by Frazer. Wang Fu often used "Compendium of Materia Medica" to discuss the spiritual herbs in "Shan Hai Jing." Perhaps, he found two works similar and comparable. However, most of the herbs in "Compendium of Materia Medica" have the efficacy of Chinese medicine, whereas the effects of the beasts and herbs in "Shan Hai Jing" appear to be within the scope of witchcraft. Wang Fu also expressed his feelings through "Shan Hai Jing Cun", which is irrelevant to scholastic textual investigation. There are nearly two hundred illustrations in the book, which fully show his great skills and artistic achievements accumulated as a porcelain painter in Jingdezhen (porcelain capital of China). Wang Fu depicted lively various birds, beasts, fish and turtles that can cure depression, fear, confusion, swelling and scabies, giving a mystic air of witchcraft healing.


祝平一:〈藥醫不死病,佛度有緣人:明、清的醫療市場、醫學知識與醫病關係〉,《近史所研究集刊》第 68 期(2010 年 6 月),頁 1-50。(DOI:10.6353/BIMHAS.201006.0001)
(漢)許慎著,(清)段玉裁注:《說文解字注》(新北:黎明文化事業公司,1974 年)。
(漢)張仲景著,劉藹韻校注:《金匱要略校注集解》(上海:上海古籍出版社,2014 年)。
(宋)蘇軾、沈括:《蘇沈良方》(杭州:浙江大學出版社,2011 年)。
