  • 期刊


A Study on the Textual Implications and Narrating Skill of the Li Changqi's "Meeting the Immortal in the Manting Pavilion"




This article takes Li Changqi's legendary novel "Meeting the Immortal at the Manting Pavilion" as the research text. By deconstructing its writing strategies, master the narrative context and writing techniques of the text. Master the narrative context and writing techniques of the text, analyze the meaning of the text, interpret the main idea of creation, and invent Li Changqi's Taoist thoughts. This is a legendary novel centered on the fact that Qing Bixianzhen summoned the clan's son, Du Juncheng, to enter the real realm of the Manting Pavilion.The novel is named after Du Juncheng's encounter with the immortal in entering the mantle pavilion, but the inner meaning is beyond what the title expresses. Mr. Qingbi is really a person, that is, Du Ben, a great scholar who did not want to be an official and lived in Wuyi Mountain, was repeatedly recruited in the Yuan Dynasty. The full text writes the fairyland and immortals in the way of combining the virtual and the real. Infiltrated into the inner text of the supernatural, the theme of life and death, and the themes of immortality and supernatural freedom in Taoist fairy tales. And in the story, the humanistic feelings of paying tribute to the exemplary characters, building a paradise in the heart, and self-practice are entrusted. These feelings project and interpret Li Changqi's deep aspirations, reflecting his familiarity with Taoism and yearning for immortality. Allows readers to have a glimpse of his core argument that Confucianism and Taoistism is in same door.


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