  • 期刊


Using Archaeological Materials to Revise the Four Articles in Zuo's Commentary to the Spring and Autumn with Annotations Written by Yang Bojun




《春秋左傳注》 拔舍 狂夫 坐姿 板榦


This paper mainly uses archaeological materials to review the four parts of The Zuo's Commentary to the Spring and Autumn with Annotations written by Yang Bojun. Through the review and investigation of archaeological materials, it can be concluded that: (1) In the paper of The Fifteenth Year Of King Xi, uplifted the tent with the hair sling down and then follow by, Yang Bojun explained that as "uplifted the tent and go west with the Qin Dynasty", and should be revised as "Stop and stay in the grass." (2) In the paper of The Second Year Of King Min: "The arrogant man resists it", Yang Bojun explained that "The arrogant man is also difficult to put on." This sentence should be revised to "This partial cloth which is made by two colors is the cloth that the arrogant man owns."(3) In The Zuo's Commentary to the Spring and Autumn with Annotations, "sitting" posture which relates to war is always recognized as normal kneeling posture by Yang Bojun. However, compared with archaeological images, it is found that sitting posture that relates to war is kneeling with only one leg, which is opposite from the normal posture. (4) In the paper of The 11th year of king Xuan "Flat the planks and the piles", Yang Bojun's annotations only said that: "Flat the height so that the built cities will be uniform." This should be further revised as "Flat the length of the splint and the height of the piles that used for ramming."


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(漢)毛享傳,(漢)鄭玄箋,(唐)孔穎達疏:《毛詩正義》(臺北:藝文印書館股份有限公司,2013 年)。
(漢)孔安國傳,(唐)孔穎達疏:《尚書注疏》(臺北:藝文印書館股份有限公司,2013 年)。
(漢)許慎撰,(清)段玉裁注,許惟賢整理:《說文解字注》(南京:鳳凰出版社,2015 年)。
(漢)班固撰,(清)王先謙補注:《漢書補注》(上海:上海古籍出版社,2008 年)。
