  • 期刊


The Ambiguity and Debate around Zhishi (knowledge) and Zhijue (cognition): Reevaluation of Wang Long-Xi's Philosophy about Liangzhi (conscience) and Zhishi (knowledge) with Word Frequency Analysis




The evaluation and distinction between liangzhi (conscience) and zhishi (knowledge) is an important topic in Wang Long-Xi's philosophy. This research seeks to use word frequency analysis to compare how Long-Xi, Wang Yang-Ming, and other late-Ming Confucianists discuss this issue differently in terms of the extent of their focus on it and directions of their thoughts. Compared to Long-Xi, who focuses on the evaluation of liangzhi (conscience) and zhishi (knowledge), Ming Confucian Case Studies uses the word zhijue (cognition) abundantly, while Yang-Ming mostly discusses liangzhi (conscience) as the core value. While Long-Xi and Yang-Ming use the words zhishi (knowledge) and zhijue (cognition) in a similar approach, in fact, other Confucianists focus on different issues when they use these words and tend to misinterpret Long-Xi's arguments due to the difference in their choices of focus. Therefore, this essay attempts to clarify these misunderstandings to elucidate Long-Xi's ideas and their values. Lastly, this work seeks to inspire future research to explore more topics in Neo-Confucianism of the Sung-Ming Period by comparing the frequency of certain keywords used in the works of different scholars.


林月惠:〈良知與知覺 —析論羅整菴與歐陽南野的論辯〉,《中國文哲研究集刊》第 34 期(2009 年 3 月 ), 頁 287-317。(DOI:10.6351/BICLP.200903.0287)
楊志常:〈晚明《成唯識論》註釋傳統的重新建構—數位量化人文的視角〉,《臺大佛學研究》第 40 期(2020 年 12 月),頁 85-134。(DOI: 10.6727/TJBS.202012_(40).0003)
(宋)朱熹:《四書集註》(臺北:學海出版社,1988 年)。
(宋)黎靖德編:《朱子語類》(臺北:文津出版社,1986 年)。
