  • 期刊


The Inquiry into Teachers' Experience from Professional Development and Teaching Innovation to Enhancing Students' Creativity: A Narrative Approach




The purpose of this study, methodologically based on narrative inquiry and qualitative action research, is to scrutinize the experience from creativity instruction for students to attend the annual creativity competition in Taiwan to teachers' professional development, teaching innovation, and teaching/learning outcomes. In this vocational high school near middle Taiwan, which has won the third place of that creativity competition for the past three years so far, several leading teachers and some students who are selected to join the school teams for the yearly creativity competition are invited to participate in this present study. The research has been conducted from September 2007 to April 2009, lasting for about one and half a year. By way of data collection and analysis from classroom observation, interviews with teacher and student participants, teaching-related documents, field notes and the research journal, we hope, from the experience of teaching for creativity, to improve the way to develop creativity instruction in order to enhance students' creativity for the further reference of other high school teachers who are eager to explore or further their creativity instruction. Therefore, some suggestions are proposed on the basis of how to enhance students' creativity and further teachers' professional development and teaching innovation at the same time.


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