



After four consecutive years of cropping at the TBRI experimental plot, the cumulative shooting rate of banana plants under organic farming could be controlled similarly to that under conventional farming. The difference in cumulative shooting rate of tissuecultured plants between organic and conventional plots decreased with time. Nitrogen (N), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) contents of banana leaves sampled from organic plants were at the lower level of a ”sufficient” range, same results were also found for the conventional plants. At shooting stage, the average healthy leaf numbers of an organic plants were less than those of a conventional plants by 1.0-2.5 leaves, indicating more efficient materials were required for the foliar disease control in the organic plot. Due to a low yield potential, cultivar 'TaiChiao No.3' was evaluated to be not economic for organic farming. In the postharvest quality, there were no significant differences between two cropping systems, as related to peel discoloration rate, shelf life, and soluble solids. A slight increase in soil organic matter was found in both cropping systems, however, less fluctuation in soil pH and electrical conductivity (EC) was detected in the organic plot, as compared to those in the conventional plot. Macroand micronutrients of both soil systems were within proper ranges for an optimal banana growth. The disease incidence of Fusarial wilt in organic plot went up from 0.6% to 9.1% after four consecutive croppings, which was far lower than 30.7% of the conventional plot. The economic feasibility of organic farming system for banana production was well supported by the net profit achieved from a TBRI-run organic banana plantation.



