  • 期刊


Effect of Extraction on Phenolic Compounds Content of Chinese Mahogany Toona sinensis (A. Juss.) Roem. Leaves


本研究探究香椿(Toona sinensis (A. Juss.)Roem.)嫩葉酚類化合物分析條件。以50mL溶劑一次萃取時,0.25公克溶質萃取量最高,萃取量與溶質重之迴歸方程式為y=12.6299+(1.4605/x),R^2=0.9429,p<0.0001。在60℃下,以五種甲醇水溶液,即20%、40%、60%、80%、100%萃取,萃取所得總酚含量之與甲醇濃度間呈現極顯著之二次迴歸關係,迴歸方程式y=-0.0097(x-69.35)^2+38.7,R^2=0.9327, P<0.001,顯示在69.35%的甲醇濃度下會有最大的萃取率38.7mg/g,60-80%間幾無差異。再進一步比較乾燥方法、萃取液成分與萃取條件對香椿葉片總酚類物質萃取量的影響。以真空冷凍乾燥、60%甲醇、萃取60分鐘可以獲得最高總酚類物質萃取量;但在60%甲醇萃取下萃取時間間差亦不顯著。因此,同時考慮對環境之衝擊,香椿嫩葉之酚類化合物萃取條件定為,0.25公克冷凍乾燥樣品,以50mL之60%甲醇水溶液,在60℃水浴下,萃取60分鐘。


This paper investigated total phenolic compounds extraction conditions of Toonasinensis (A. Juss.) Roem. leaf. Under once extraction by fifty mL solvent condition, extraction rate was high significant related to solvent/solute ratio, the regression formula was y=12.6299+(1.4605/x), R^2=0.9429, p<0.0001, and 0.25 g solute had the best solute weight. Fine methanol content water solvent, that was 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% methanol, were used under 60 ℃ condition, extraction rate was high significant related by a quadratic regression model, the formula was y=-0.0097(x-69.35)^2+38.7, R^2=0.9327, P<0.001, the theoretical highest extraction rate was under 69.35% methanol, but there had no significant difference between 60-80 % methanol. Comparison among three drying methods, the results shown that, freeze dry was the best, especially under 60 % methanol solvent in 60 ℃ for 30 minutes. The proper extraction condition should used 0.25 g freeze dry sample with 50 mL 60% methanol, and extracted for 30 minutes under 60℃ condition.