  • 期刊


Evaluation of Water Use Efficiency of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Grown with the Medium and Container


確認花胡瓜之最適當栽培介質與容器以改善水分利用效率,花胡瓜‘220’以耕植槽、籃耕及長盆配合泥炭土、椰纖土與泥炭混合椰纖土,在充分灌溉下栽培,籃耕泥炭混合椰纖土(BM)處理具顯著最高之乾重78.86 g與產量422.09 g,但以長盆椰纖(LC)處理具顯著最高之水分利用效率203.83%,且生長速度最快,始花天數僅需29.7天,且乾重僅次於BM。因此於設施中以長盆椰纖栽培花胡瓜可較有效利用農業水資源。


In order to identify the most suitable culture substrate and container type for cucumber to improve the water use efficiency (WUE), cucumber growth and rield with, different substrates (peat moss, coconut fiber and a 1:1 peat moss to coconut fiber mixed substrate) and containers (planting trough, basket and long pot) were compared. The trial was carried out under full-irrigation cultivation. The results showed that the highest dry mass and productivity of the cucumbers were obtained when planted in basket s with mixed substrate (BM), which resulted in a dry mass of 78.86 g and fresh fruit of 422.09 g. Plants cultured in long pots with coconut fiber (LC) had the highest WUE of 203.83% and growth rate; the days to flowering 29.7 days was the lowest among all treatments, and the dry mass was lower than BM treatment only. Thus, LC was recommended for planting cucumbers in this type of facility and cultural method which used water more efficiently and resulted in better growth.
