  • 期刊


The External Morphological of Strawberry Hybrid Strain 'SF4-Chu' and Varieties (Strains) Identification by Using Molecular Markers


草苺(Fragaria × ananassa Duch.)是世界重要的經濟作物之一,許多國家也致力於優良種原保存及新品種選育。本研究主要目的,係為選育適合國內栽培的優良草苺品系,並進行品種(系)鑑定。自西元2011年起,我們選取草苺‘香水’(母本)和‘桃園1號’(父本)做為雜交授粉親本;目前,已從實生苗子代中,選育出一個具備新品種命名與商業栽培潛力的優良雜交品系‘SF4-初’。‘SF4-初’的外部形態與對照品種‘桃園1號’具有可區別性以外,應用限制酶切割擴增多型性序列(cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences, CAPS)核酸分析技術,也顯現出‘SF4-初’的遺傳多型性,並在抗壞血酸過氧化酶(ascorbate peroxidase, APX)基因衍生標誌中,可觀測到符合其與二個親本特異性的異質性結合條帶,顯示CAPS技術可應用於‘SF4-初’與其親本及國內一些商業品種的鑑定。


Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) is one of the important economic crops in the world. Many countries are devoted to germplasm preservation and breeding. The main purpose of this study aimed to breed a new strawberry strain suitable for domestic cultivation and implementation of phylogenetic analysis. Two parent varieties 'Xiang-Shui' (Female) and 'Taoyuan No. 1' (Male) were selected for cross-pollination since 2011. In the present study, a derived hybrid strain 'SF4-Chu' with good eating quality and commercial cultivation potential had been selected from this hybridization progen ies. 'SF4-Chu' showed external morphological discrimination when comparing with control variety 'Taoyuan No. 1'. Furthermore, cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences (CAPS) marker derived from ascorbate peroxidase (APX) gene revealed significant polymorphism between parental varieties in amplicon size. Mean while, the genotype of 'SF4-Chu' is composited of heterozygous fragments of two parents. All results indicated that the CAPS could be applied to the phylogenetic analysis for 'SF4-Chu', its parents and some domestic commercial cultivars.
