  • 期刊


Lung Cancer after Chemotherapy Treated by Mixed Compound of Six Nobal Drugs with Additional Ingredients: A Case Report


肺癌是早期診療不易且有較高死亡率的疾病。本病例是一位71歲男性患者,於去年11月發現左肺葉鱗狀上皮細胞癌(T3N2M0 stage IIIA)。西醫進行化學治療後引起患者納差、口乾、口臭、脾胃不適、血球數目下降、腎功能異常且肺部有浸潤情況。根據上述情況及八綱辨證和臟腑辨證顯示患者有氣陰兩虛兼瘀熱互結。我們採補土生金和益氣養血法兼祛瘀清熱法,六君子湯加減治療1個月後,就X-ray表現和血液學指標,患者的臨床表現皆有改善。


Lung cancer is leading causes of mortality in Taiwan in the recent years. This is a 71 year old male patient who was identified squamous cell cancer over left lobe of the lung with T3N2M0 stage IIIA. The Patient complained about dyspnea, poor appetite, dry mouth, halitosis, deficiency of blood corpuscle, chronic renal insufficiency, and infiltration in lung. Based on those finding, the differentiating pathologic conditions in accordance with the eight principal syndromes, and differentiation of syndromes according to pathologic changes of the viscera and their interrelations, it was classified as qi-yin-vacuity syndrome combined with stasis of blood and heat. We took the traditional Chinese medicine to supply qi and nourish yi, and remove stasis of blood and heat. As a result, the clinical symptoms of the patient were released according to the assessment of X-ray and laboratory data after one-month treatment of traditional Chinese herbs.


Chinese Herbs Lung Cancer Six Nobal Drugs
