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Reflect the constructed of the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine from the approach of ice eating




中醫 自我民族誌 建構 命題 冰品


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) claimed that ice eating may destroy the body because of the cold evil and dampness evil inside. This concept is a kind of construction. The positive value of ice eating can be constructed from another perspective. From the method of autoethnography and dialectic, the proposition of "ice food is evil" from TCM includes a lot of shortcomings: 1)it ignores the prerequisites of the proposition; 2) misunderstanding the whole responsibility in individual responsibility; 3) it ignores there is reasonableness even in extreme event or object; 4) the attitude of interpretation in the health preserving of seasons is too rigid; 5) it blames the ice food has hidden pathogen insides is too arbitrary; 6) it violates the principle of proportionality between medicine and food. However, the ice food has several advantages: 1) Yin-Yang gets the balance by ice food in the special situation; 2) it lets the mood gets better and strengthens the function of "heart controlling mental and emotional activities"; 3) ice food includes the nutrition and ice eating is a kind of dietary therapy. TCM ignores the advantages of ice food, strikes the ice food according to that disadvantages. This attitude violates the spirit of science that gets self-trapping in the crisis of paradigm shift and degenerates the research program. TCM should concern the positive value of ice food, teach the masses the correct method of ice eating, constructs healthy ice-cream culture. When construct the proposition of TCM should think about both positive and negative factors and other elements. The use of the didactical and prohibited context should be avoided to construct the proposition.


TCM autoethnography construct proposition ice food


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