  • 期刊


A Challenge to Sustainable Development for "the First Recycling Limited Cooperative Association"-An Application of Business Process Reengineering


經濟發展與環境保育孰重孰輕一直是為人所爭論的焦點,以最有效率的方式進行資源的消費是兩難解決的首要之務,資源回收體系順勢而生。資源回收體系最基層的成員於民國八十五年成立「有限責任台灣區第一資源回收物運銷合作社」係本文之研究對象,在內外激烈的市場競爭下,一社極須改變。 本文以兼具本質型與工具型的個案研究方式,進行一社的企業流程剖析,覺察其問題源自回收來源的不足、銷售管道的限制,以及內部行政工作流程的繁重與陳舊後,試圖以實務界中阿部禎(1997)對「企業流程再造」所下之定義和實施方式,確立一社經營目標。將重點課題置於內部資訊的整合與外部銷售管道的拓展,而施行要點則在於部門內與部門間中對於資訊的流向質量整合和持續性的雙向溝通改進,企業內與企業間回收來源網絡之建立和相關企業信息之互通與市場之擴展。透過重新規劃企業營運流程與工作內容,期能為一社的永續經營盡一份心力,藉此喚醒社會大眾對資源回收的重視,以及學術圈對於這個有許多研究空間的領域投入更多的關注。


The question to whether environmental protection and economic development are inextricably linked but necessarily opposed has been debated for a long time. Consuming resources efficiently plays a vital role in solving this dilemma, a resource recycling system therefore came into existence and operation. ”The First Recycling Limited Cooperative Association, one of the private and non-profit foundations contributing mostly to paper recycling jobs, is investigated. Emphasis is placed on Association's leadership maintaining in a currently competitive recycling market. A combined use of intrinsic and instrumental case study is applied to analyze the Association's weakness. After a close examination, we found that the Association's major problems are associated with the insufficiency of recyclable resource collection, the constraint of distribution channels and the heavy work of inner administration. Significant efforts have been made in the presents study to improve those limits by introducing the concept of ”Business Process Reengineering,” defined by A-Pu Chen (1997). Some improvements related to integrating internal and external information, establishing intranet and internet, and expanding the market are identified, which could not only enhance the Association's operations and financial health, but also assist continuously sustainable development. Above and beyond, we hope that the society can contribute more to this issue rather than pursue economic growth only.
