  • 期刊


<||>God sent Forth His Own Son<||>: A Study of Paul's Christology of the Cross in Galatians 4:4 and Romans 8:3


在保祿書信中,「天主派遣他(自己)的兒子」這樣的表達方式,只出現在迦拉達書四章4節和羅馬書八章3節這兩句經節裡。歷來的解經家很容易把這句保祿書信的話和其他類似的若望經文聯想在一起,有人甚至認為這是一種「派遣句式」,而作為一個句式,這句話本身已內含了若望式的降生論意向。 本研究設定在迦拉達書和羅馬書這兩句經文,並試圖從此一窺保祿的基督論。在分析過這節經文本身及其脈絡之後,本文跟著進入第三部分,進一步討論這兩節經文的基督論視野。本文用「十字架的基督論」來稱呼這種基督論模式,這是一種動態的基督論,以十字架(和與它結合為一的復活)為它的最高峰,這是基督一生中最濃縮最重要的一刻,在這裡構成上帝的完整顯現。說在死而復活的基督身上,上帝以最肉身的方式自顯為父,為愛與能力。


Within the Pauline letters, the expression <||>God sent his (own) son<||> appears in only two verses, i.e., in Galatians 4:4 and Romans 8:3. Exegetes too often consider these two Pauline verses in connection with other similar Johannine texts. Some even speak of a <||>sending formula.<||> As a formula, the expression contains in itself an intentional indication of incarnation in the johannine literature. This study focuses on these two verses, and attempts an investigation of Paul's Christology. After having examined the text and the context of these two verses, Ⅰ discuss their vision of Christology, which is called in this study <||>A Christology of the Cross.<||> Being dynamic, this Christology aims towards the Cross as its climax, which in Pauline theology is not disconnected with Resurrection. The Cross becomes the most condensed and most important moment in the life of Christ, and it is here that the Father manifests himself most fully and completely. In the crucified and yet risen body of Christ, the Father reveals himself in the most embodied way as the Father, i.e., as Love and as Power.