  • 期刊


The Interpenetration between Aesthetics and Theology and its Meaning


一方面,美學與神學的會通表現在傳統的哲學美學和文藝 美學研究中對神聖的關注。柏拉圖和海德格都提倡美不是自然世界本身的屬性,美的背後有神聖的因素。文藝美學中對作家創造源頭的研究則追溯到上帝,認為,創造所具有的開放、自由、奧秘的特徵與上帝創造世界過程中所包含的奧秘及自由有著內在關聯。對比古典美學,在某種程度上,現代美學和藝術則不停地朝脫離了源始事件的形式傾注。另一方面,美學與神學的會通也表現在神學中所包含的美學因素:基督的形象與事件、聖經中的形象系列、與基督教有關的文學藝術、宇宙的創造秩序與形式、對上帝體驗過程中的陶醉和沉思。本文最後認為,美學與神學會通意義是深廣的:對神學來說,通過美學可以一定程度上啟動神學,擴大和調整以往自身研究範圍,並恢復神學和教會領域內的美學能力;對美學來說,通過神學可以糾正以往對自身限界的設置,即人類學、心理學、視覺文化的設置,擴大對美的超驗研究。


美學 神學 上帝 創造 超驗美


The interpenetration of aesthetics and theology enriches two aspects of them. On the one hand, the concern that the character of the divine embodied in traditional Philosophy, Aesthetics, and Aesthetics Research. Plato and Heidegger both advocated that Beauty per se is not an attribute of the natural world itself, rather that is a feature which came from Beauty. Aesthetics Research studies the sources of an author's originality. It will help us to trace back to God. Because aesthetics scholars insisted that there is an inter-connection between the features of openness, freedom and the mysterious thing which came from God's creation and the freedom and mystery that have been included in the course about God created the world. To contrast with Classical Aesthetics, Modern Aesthetics and Art constantly run towards the form that it separated from the YuanShi events, and poured itself into it. On the other hand, that interpenetration also showed on the aesthetics factors which of theology: that is, the image and event of Christ, the form and order of created universe, the meditation and inebriation taste of experiencing God. Finally, this article argued, that there is deeply and extended meaning with relationship of theology and aesthetics. As for theology, to some extent, aesthetics could inspire theology. And aesthetics also could enlarge and adjust its old research realms, so that it restored the new ability of beauty in the fields of theology and church. Especially for aesthetics, it would reclaim the lines of its older limitation through studying the theology. These lines refer to the line of anthropology, psychology, and visual culture. After that, we really can widen the transcendental study about the Beauty.


aesthetics theology God creation transcendental beauty


Balthasar, Hans Urs von,Leiva-Merikakis, Erasmo(Translated),Fessio, Joseph(Edited),Riches, John(Edited)(1986).The Glory of the Lord: A Theological Aesthetic.Edinburgh:T. & T. Clark.
Balthasar, Hans Urs von,Harrison, Graham(Translated)(1988).Theo-Drama: Theological Dramatic Theory.San Francisco:Ignatius.
Balthasar, Hans Urs von,Harrison, Graham(Translated)(1988).Theo-Drama: Theological Dramatic Theory.San Francisco:Ignatius.
Balthasar, Hans Urs von,Harrison, Graham(Translated)(1988).Theo-Drama: Theological Dramatic Theory.San Francisco:Ignatius.
Balthasar, Hans Urs von,Harrison, Graham(Translated)(1988).Theo-Drama: Theological Dramatic Theory.San Francisco:Ignatius.
