  • 期刊


A Missionary's Translation of The Making of a Man in Response to Social Issues before the Revolution of 1911


辛亥革命前(1910年),傳教士林樂知和華人助手范褘將李約各的 The Making of a Man 翻譯為《人學》,以有機論哲學和基督教思想反駁斯賓塞的社會進化論,進而修正嚴復等譯介的西方進化思想。《人學》翻譯選擇了與原本不同的社會問題的關注點,也說明了對相同社會議題的不同回應。這體現在對斯賓塞的社會進化論、對機械論哲學與有機論哲學、對科學、對道德重建和宗教五個議題上。原本、譯本儘管都出自教會人士之手,但分別代表了在美和在華基督教人士對各自社會問題的回應。


In the year before the Revolution of 1911, American missionary Young J. Allen and his Chinese assistant Van Yi co-translated Renxue to challenge modern thought of social evolutionism introduced by native intellectuals. Though both the original and the translated works proposed Organism Philosophy and Christianity against Spencer's social Evolutionism, Renxue's viewpoints toward social issues were different from the original. This generated different responses from clergy in America and in China to similar issues, such as social Evolutionism, organism philosophy, science, moral restructuring and religion Though both the writer and the translator were clergymen, their different responses epitomized their different adjustments to their own social issues, whether in America or in China.


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Lee, James Wideman. The Making of a Man. St. Louis : St. Louis Christian Advocate Company, 1899.
Pusey, James Reeve(1983).China and Charles Darwin.Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Asia Center.
赫伯特•斯賓塞、張雄武譯(1996)。社會靜力學。北京:商務印書館=The Commercial Press。
丁文江(2010)。梁任公先生年譜長編初稿。北京:中華書局=Zhonghua Book Company。
