  • 期刊


The Bent Cross: A Study of Bing Xin's Christian Faith in Her Post-1951 Literary Works




冰心 文學創作 十架 歷史 基督信仰


After Bing Xin came back to Mainland China in 1951, she adopted an obscure and complicated approach to Christianity in her literary writings, in which the distortion and reconstruction of the Christian faith lay beneath seemingly ordinary words. Not only did she utilize biblical linguistic resources from the Bible to portray the political reality; she also gave largely negative portrayals of church and missionaries. In her senior years when the political environment became relatively mild, Bing Xin sought to return to the Christian faith in cautious and creative ways. The cross in the second half of Bing Xin's life was bent as she paid the heavy price in order to survive the grim environment. Through careful analyses of her literary texts and the true evidence, we may gain a deeper understanding of the context Bing Xin was in and her spiritual journey behind the literary output, which manifested the resilience of the Christian faith.


Bing Xin literary creation cross history Christian faith


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