  • 期刊





初產婦 胎死腹中 引產 哀傷


For most people, pregnancy is a joyful process. However if intrauterine fetal death occurs, the parents, and particularly the mother, may experience multiple losses. Among others, this may include damage to the mother's self-image, which may be severe enough to affect family functioning. A primipara with a 24-week pregnancy was told of fetal demise during her prenatal check up. Labor was induced to remove the stillbirth. Her grief response included shock, denial, and difficulty in accepting the loss of the fetus. We collected data by interviewing the patient and by physical assessment. The Roy Adaptation was used to analyze the nursing process. The patient presented four nursing problems, including grief for loss of her baby, anxiety during labor, acute pain secondary to induced uterine contractions, and guilt feelings in facing her husband. Nursing care involved providing a supportive environment, listening to and encouraging the patient to express her feelings, empathy, and avoiding a judgmental attitude toward her emotional reaction. This experience illustrates ways of helping patients cope with the grief of fetal loss.


primipara intrauterine fetal death induction grief
