  • 期刊


Death Literacy Among Health Care Providers: A Concept Analysis


病主法上路,追求「善終」成為現今高價值照護的目標,而提升「死亡識能(death literacy)」是達成此目標的核心,惟因醫療人員對死亡識能之概念認知不足,故本文以Walker及Avant(2011)提出的步驟,進行死亡識能概念分析。本文在確立預分析之概念及廣泛查考此概念定義後建立鑑定性特徵,進一步以模範案例、邊緣案例及相反案例說明,最後確認此概念之前因後果,並列出實證性參考指標。經分析顯示死亡識能的鑑定性特徵為:(一)有一定的死亡相關知識。(二)有提供末期及臨終照護的技巧與溝通能力。(三)透過實際參與跟經驗的累積學習生命教育。(四)透過社會行動傳播及提供生死智慧之資源。未來期待透過上述四個層面的方式來喚醒本國醫療人員及民眾對於生死議題的重視。


The recently enacted Patient Autonomy Act in 2019 aimed to achieve "good death" and high quality care for the active dying. However, "death literacy" as the core principle of this legislation has not been generally recognized among health care providers. This article attempts to analyze the concept of death literacy based on Walker and Avants' (2011) suggestion to provide model, borderline, and contrary cases, as well as the empirical indicators for reference. The final critical attributes of death literacy among health care providers include: certain knowledge related to death, specific skills and communication capability for the terminally ill and palliative care, education through clinical practice and life experience, and social activities and resources concerning life and death wisdom. Future research is necessary for developing relevant assessment tools and intervention program in related to this concept of death literacy.
