  • 期刊


The Nursing Experience in Caring for an Adolescent Girl with Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus




The case report described a nursing experience in helping a young girl who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes for the first time and assist her to cope with it mentally and socially. The nursing care started from November 6 to 19, 2017 based on Gorden's 11 functional health patterns as the evaluation tool. The data were collected from methods of observation, interviews, physical assessment and medical progress notes, which have resulted in at least three nursing diagnoses. The diagnoses included (1) Anxiety related to a concern of her health status threaten by the disease; (2) a lack of knowledge related to an insufficient level of correct knowledge and skills regarding care of Type 1 DM in both the patient herself and her main caregiver; (3) Anxiety in caregiver related to a lack of experience in caring for Type 1 DM. The author attempted firstly to build a trust relationship with the adolescent patient and her family members by empathizing, encouraging and listening actively. Secondly, patient education offered focused on personal skills in improving illness knowledge and self-care skills, guiding the patient to reveal her feelings and master with how to care by herself, for the goal of enhancing the confidence and resulted in a positive attitude toward the treatment process. Finally, the outcome was aimed for the patient to achieve the best condition to adapt to the disease. It is hoped that this nursing experience can provide as a reference for clinical nursing colleagues when providing care in similar cases.


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