  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of Caring for a Young Woman with Guillain-Barré Syndrome




This article discussed the nursing experience of a 27-year-old young woman suffering from Guillain-Barré syndrome, causing weakness and tingling of the lower limbs, which in turn led to decreased mobility, and concerns about treatment methods and effectiveness. The nursing period was from November 26 to December 18, 2019. Through physical assessment, interviews, listening and observation methods, collecting data, using Gordon 11 Function Health Patterns as a guide, the main health problems of the case were acute pain, physical activity dysfunction and anxiety, etc. The methods included leading the patient to face the source of anxiety through discussion and shared decision-making between doctors and patients, increasing the sense of self-control, coordinate cross-team therapy and formulate rehabilitation exercise plans, and using drugs and non-drug treatments to reduce pain during the care process, having positive attitude toward rehabilitation, improving self-care ability and return to family and society as soon as possible. Limited by rapid disease progression, insufficient information sources, and hesitation on treatment methods, it is recommended to add the shared decision-making support table for doctors and patients to understand the disease and clarify the treatment strategy. After discussion, the treatment method can be jointly decided to increase treatment participation and confidence. Movement dysfunction caused by disease requires long-term rehabilitation. It is recommended that neuromuscular diseases be included in the scope of the acute post-care plan, and active integrated care should be given to restore self-care functions. Hope that this nursing experience can be used as a reference for future nursing care.


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