  • 期刊


The East Turkestan Issue in the Context of Sino-Soviet Diplomacy (1944-1945)




In 1943, East Turkestan seemed to be free from the influence of the Soviet Union, but at the same time Moscow used the desire of the Xinjiang people for national independence to develop a secret plan to return to power over East Turkestan. With the assistance of the Soviet Union, the ”Republic of East Turkestan” was declared on November 12, 1944, and again the Soviet Union established its influence there. The Soviet Union then used the East Turkestan problem as a card during the negotiation process for the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance, and forced the Kuomintang (KMT) government to cede Outer Mongolia in exchange for the right to control Manchuria, East Turkestan, and the ports of Lü-shun and Da-lian. When the Soviet government attained its objectives and during the Second World War re-gained hegemony over the territories that were annexed by Japan in 1904-1905, the Soviet Union started to support the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in gaining strength. This was contrary to its earlier policy, which had not favored the CCP. During this period, when the ”East Turkistan” card of Soviet Union's China policy was replaced by the CCP card, the historic mission of Republic of East Turkestan was completed for the USSR. As a result, the Republic of East Turkestan lost the status of being an independent republic, and was forced to negotiate with the KMT government. Due to the support of the Soviet Union, the KMT government was able to succeed during these negotiations, as the domination of Moscow could not be ignored; therefore, the Soviet Union consolidated its influence in East Turkestan affairs once again. In this article, through examining the reasons for the Soviet Union's support of the independence of East Turkestan, how Soviet aid strengthened East Turkestan, and the outcomes of these policies, we will analyze how the Soviet Union, depending on its international position, used East Turkestan and the CCP card for its own interests in China, as well as the impact of all this on China's policies towards East Turkestan.


East Turkestan Xinjiang Republic of East Turkestan KMT CCP


