  • 期刊


The Reading Habits of Lin Hsien-tang: A Case Study Based on His Diary of Mr. Guanyuan


臺灣民族運動之父林獻堂,由於自小受父親林文欽庭訓及塾師何趨庭影響,對傳統中國經典涉獵頗多,即便日後長大成人,對古文的鍾情與閱讀仍未廢離。而當臺灣政權從清廷換成日人之手後,林獻堂非但對古文未曾忘懷,亦同其他新興知識份子般,藉由日文譯作廣泛涉獵歐美書刊。今由於記載林氏日常生活的《灌園先生日記》陸續出版,遂得以一窺林獻堂讀書生活之樣貌。 就林獻堂日記內容加以歸納統整,可發現林獻堂閱讀廣泛,傳統中國經史子集不論,由於加入「櫟社」詩社緣故,對唐詩宋詞亦朗誦不斷,而其他諸如歐美文學作品,或是較深奧的佛理與基督教經典等亦在閱讀之列,真可謂博覽群書。 由於林獻堂以讀書為樂,故時空不拘,陰晴不論,即便出外旅遊亦隨身攜帶書籍,稍有閒暇即從事閱讀。而論其書籍來源,除霧峰林家圖書室舊有典藏外,有族親相贈者,有購自書店者,有朋友餽贈者,亦有因林氏對某部書刊贊助出版經費而獲致者。而在「讀」樂樂不如眾樂樂的情況下,林氏亦會依對象所需贈送適合書籍供親朋閱讀。在今日臺灣大眾缺乏閱讀的年代裏,回顧林獻堂的閱讀精神實更值得吾人效法與尊敬。


Lin Hsien-tang, the father of Taiwan's nationalist movement under Japanese colonial rule, was very interested in reading classical Chinese and Confucianism textbooks because of his early education. At the age of 7, he began his studies at the village school established by his family, deriving great benefit from his study of classic Chinese writings. When he grew up, he did not forget these traditional writings, yet also resembled other new intellectuals in terms of using Japanese books to recognize the new western world also. Now we can better understand the details of his reading habits due to the recent publication of his writings in the Diary of Mr. Guanyuan. According the contents of these 16 volumes, we can clearly determine that Lin Hsien-tang not only read ancient writings, including Tang and Song dynasty poetry, but also Western literary works and Buddhist texts. Lin viewed reading as an important part of life, so we can find he wrote down many details about his reading habits in his diary. Rain or shine, at home or outside, Lin always keep reading when he was free. In terms of the sources of Lin's reading materials, besides the private library owned by his big family, Lin often made purchases at bookstores and received new publications from his friends. Some new publications resulted from Lin's donations to support writers or editors. Furthermore, Lin not only enjoyed reading but also shared books with his friends, always choosing the right books for the right people. When we trace the reading habits of Lin a half century ago, and compare them to our present age (when so many people dislike reading), we should give our highest respect to Lin's attitude and hope that his reading spirit can return as soon as possible.
