  • 期刊


The Promotion of Evidence-based Healthcare: the Experience of Mackay Memorial Hospital


實證健康照護(evidence-based healthcare)的實踐,是指將最好的研究證據、病人價值觀及專家意見等,整合至臨床決策。有鑑於此本院於93年9月1日成立「馬偕醫院實證醫學中心」,多次參加醫策會、護理學會及實證護理學會競賽皆獲得佳績。醫護是實踐科學知識的專業學門,在醫療知識快速更新的時代,臨床護理人員提供民眾有效率及高品質醫療服務時需具備且應用專業的實證能力,因此實證健康照護的專業執行能力已經成為醫護專業人員必須具備的核心能力。實證健康照護應用需要基本的知識,還有搜尋及評估醫學文獻技巧及運用。本中心完成中文版夫勒斯諾量表(Fresno Test)發展是用來評估實證健康照護能力,共有12個測驗題目,包括7個問答題,2個數學運算的問題及3個填空題,總分為212分。依據實證步驟針對形成臨床問題、搜尋能力、文獻評析及臨床運用等四個範疇進行評量。期待藉由本文的分享讓實證同好們認識實證健康照護相關推動,落實實證於臨床照護應用建立優質醫療照護品質。


This article describes the process in promotion of evidence-based health care (EBHC) at Mackay Memorial Hospital in Taiwan. EBHC is an integration of the best research evidence with patients' values and circumstances in clinical decision making. Healthcare is an empirical science. It requires knowledge and skills in literature search and evaluation of evidence. Healthcare professionals should maintain current regarding advancement in quality of care. Knowledge and skills in EBHC should be one of the core competences. Mackay Memorial Hospital established the Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) Centre in September 2004. The EBM Centre offered training courses and encouraged colleagues to participate in nursing societal and national level research activity contests and won awards. The design of the training courses included program evaluation and follow-up on trainee performance. The EBM Centre developed the Chinese version of the Fresno Test, which includes 12 questions (7 short-essay, 2 calculation, and 3 fill-in-the-blank questions) with a maximum of 212 points and a standardized grading rubrics. The test is used to evaluate the abilities in the EBHC process (ask, acquire, appraise, and apply) in real clinical scenarios.


