  • 期刊


An Overview of Male Climacteric




更年期 中老年人 男性 睪固酮


This article provides an overview on the symptoms, treatment, and care related to male climacteric. The concepts of menopause in males and their associated symptoms are different from that of females. Menopausal symptoms in females usually appear rapidly, reach a peak in 1-2 years and end within a few years. However, symptoms associated with male menopause or male climacteric progress much slower and can last for several years. There is no clear cessation of secondary sexual characteristics in male climacteric compared to females; therefore, male climacteric is often not perceived and seldom discussed. Male climacteric is associated with an increased risk of autonomic nervous syndrome, metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases that might be associated with a reduction of gonadal function. These conditions can lead to serious irreversible physical disability in the elderly. It is important to distinguish between symptoms that appear during natural aging process and those caused by male climacteric commonly observed in middle-aged men to avoid unnecessary delay in medical management.


andropause middle-aged older adults male testosterone


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