  • 期刊


Health Behavior and Related Factors of Practicing Nurses


護理人員是指導病人採取健康管理行為的重要促進者,瞭解護理人員對於良好健康行為的知識、個人身體心像與健康行為,有助於醫院對於護理人員的健康管理,亦可作為推動醫院其他工作人員健康行為管理與促進之參考。目的:探討臨床護理人員健康行為之現況及其相關因素。方法:本研究採方便取樣,於2012年對東部地區四家醫院326位護理人員進行問卷調查。結果:護理人員之健康行為與身體心像滿意度呈正相關(r=.345, p<.001),與健康知識亦呈正相關(r=.163, p<.01),護理人員之體型(BMI)與其身體心像滿意度呈負相關(r=-.263, p<.001)。326位護理人員中,從不運動者達183人(56.1%),體型屬於過重與肥胖(BMI>24)者有101位(31%)。體型過重與肥胖(BMI>24)之護理人員對自我身體心像滿意度顯著低於體型屬於瘦(BMI≤18.5)或適中(18.5≤BMI<24)者(F=8.75, p<.001)。故建議應鼓勵護理人員重視對自我外表評價與對自我身體心像滿意度,並由改變排班形式著手,盡量採取固定班別模式,以利護理人員能安排固定之休息與運動時間,藉此促進其採取更多健康行為。


Nurses are important facilitators of patients’ health behaviors. Knowledge regarding nurses’ health behavior and its related factors will help to manage nurses’ health and also can inform other staffs’ health management and promotion. Purpose: To explore the inter-relationships of nurses’ health behaviors and related factors. Methods: A convenient sample of 326 nurses from four county hospitals in eastern Taiwan completed the study questionnaires. Results: The nurses’ health behaviors were positively correlated to satisfaction of body images (r=.345, p<.001) and nurses’ health knowledge (r=.163, p<.01). 183 nurses (56.1%) reported never exercised and 101 nurses (31%) were classified as obese (BMI>24). Nurses who were obese reported significantly lower level of satisfaction on body image than those who were thin or moderate (F=8.75, p<.001). It is recommended that nurses value and improve their body image, and having a fixed-shift work schedule so they can better schedule their time for rest and exercise.


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Hansson, L. M., Rasmussen, F., & Ahlstrom, G. I. (2011). General practitioners’ and district nurses’ conceptions of the encounter with obese patients in primary health care. BMC Family Practice, 12, 7. doi:10.1186/1471-2296-12-7
