  • 期刊


Exploring the Experiences of Medication Taking for Patients with Gout




痛風 服藥 質性 經驗


Background: Patients with frequent gout attack should take medications regularly to control the uric acid level in the blood, prevent gout attacks and reduce related complications. However, research shows that patients’ medication compliance is low. Purpose: To explore patients’ experience and issues related to taking anti-hyperurice medication. Method: This is a qualitative research. Participants were recruited from hospitalized patients in a regional teaching hospital in Taichung, Taiwan, and were selected by purposive sampling. Data was collected from 9 subjects using an in-depth unstructured interview to understand their experiences with taking anti-hyperurice medications. Results: Five major themes and 20 sub-themes were developed: (1) a unbearably melancholic memory: painful suffering, limited activities, tasks suspension, suffering from disease recurrence; (2) miserably hidden secrets: subjective insistence, ignoring taking medicine regularly, choosing favorite medication, worrying about side effects, reluctant to take long-term medications, misbelief in traditional folk remedy; (3) an anguished concern: lack of medical information, an economic burden, mistakes in medical intervention, the restraints in seeking medical intervention; (4) an invincible determination: relieving pain, recovery of self-image, returning to job duty; (5) a successful transformation: acknowledge professional medical orders, benefit from social medical policies, learning from successful role models. Conclusion: Gout is a chronic disease and regular, constant taking of anti-hyperurice medications to control the level of uric acid is important. Self-discontinuation of medication is the main cause for gout relapse. The results of this research provide a guide for medical practitioner to improve patient teaching and medication compliance.


gout medication taking qualitative experiences


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