  • 期刊


Light-Saving Technology and Digital Transformation in Long-Term Care


本文主要在探討台灣目前長照機構遇到系統設計的問題,如:無法即時掌握照護需求、資訊介面未考量人因設計及無法提供家人科技溝通資訊。並藉由參訪加拿大長照系統標竿學習後,整理具有學習價值的科技設計融入長期照護系統之運用,如UX(user experience)設計思維,回到人的主動式參與的需求,建立更智慧的健康照護模式,提供一站式資訊服務,解決機構整體資料儲存與應用的安全性,發展物聯網設計,把人與人的連結變得簡單快速,崁入照護零距離的概念,提升服務品質與滿意度。這些科技化設計不但可改善工作流程照護模式,也能提供更多臨床決策,另可搭配現代串聯5G的高流量科技,提供更快速即時的資訊傳遞服務、簡化護理工作與提升了護理價值,達到輕省科技目的。本文經整理相關科技發展內容,期能對台灣長照科技發展有所參考與助益。


Digital transformed data has been extensively used in the healthcare industry, with the mindset of user experience design changing data recording method and nursing care workflow, which is a brand-new technology that enables nursing care hardware to provide more information for decision makers. It is equipped with the capacity of 5G high speed transmission and capability to elude any hacker's attack. This one-stop service ensures the utmost safety of institutional data storage and application, while solving space and size issues for software and hardware equipment and institutions. It also saves the healthcare providers who rely on the mechanical IT infrastructure the troubles of tedious word processing, and allowing more time for healthcare providers to engage in intimate face-to-face communication with patients, to lessen their work burdens by utilizing the and light-saving technology.


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