  • 期刊


A Nursing Project to Reduce the Incidence of Repeated Examinations of Rectal Ultrasound and Urine Flow in Older Adults




Prostate hypertrophy has become one of the most common diseases in elderly men. It is necessary to rely on the test of "transrectal ultrasound and urine flow rate" for diagnosis. In addition, the transrectal ultrasound and urine flow rate tests in our hospital rank first among all kinds of urology examinations. Frequent complaints due to the impatient waiting of elderly patients were found and the incidence of repeated transrectal ultrasound and urinary flow rate examinations based on analysis from January to April 2018 was as high as 75%. Inefficient procedures may not only waste medical resources, but also induce complaints from patients and decrease the quality of medical care. Therefore, the project team tried then to reduce the incidence of repeated examinations of rectal ultrasound and urine flow in the elderly. According to the current situation analysis, the major problems are: 1. Lack of professional knowledge related to urine collection for the elderly in nursing staff; 2. Failure to properly perform rectal ultrasound and urine flow tests and care for the elderly in nursing staff; 3. Lack of checklists; 4. Lack of urine collection and positioning aids suitable for elderly inspections; 5. Lack of standard operating procedures. After literature review and our team members' brainstorming, strategies were draft including: development of inspection positioning and urine collection aids, combination with visual icon memory and simple formulas, development of posters and mobile APP, establishing nursing standard operation procedure and designing education training. The effectiveness of this project showed the incidence of repeated inspections was reduced from 75% to 0%; the cognitive accuracy rate of nurse increased from 56% to 100%; the implementation accuracy rate increased from 50% to 97%. Furthermore, the family members of patients have the opportunity to share medical decisions and improve the quality of patient care.


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李鴻春、蔡芳文、林惠如、劉介宇、謝佳容(2018).長期照護機構老人的身體平衡功能與跌倒發生的前瞻性研究.新臺北護理期刊 ,20(1),P11-25。https://doi.org/10.6540/NTJN.2018.1.002
