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數位匯流時代的媒介批判實踐:從Scott Lash的資訊批判如何可能談起

Media Critique and Practice in an Age of Digital Convergence: How is Scoff Lash's Critique of Information Possible?


面對媒體、電腦及電信傳播匯流的時代,英國社會學者Scott Lash的資訊批判以「跨學門」對話,觀察到傳播「視角」較陌生的部分,論證「成長於意識型態世紀的批判理論早已行不通」,全球資訊文化從過去的「再現文化」逐漸轉換成一種「技術文化」,而「技術客體」本質的「自反性」,使得傳播科技本身的「成就」很可能正是造成媒介社會失序「不預期結果」的原因之一,因此,媒介批判必須從傳統對「再現」文本注意力的認識論移轉到「技術現象學」,因為,不再有「先驗」的理論,或「完美」的外在判斷標準,批判透過「震撼經驗」而來,媒介批判與批判者扮演的只是「填補」的角色,以一種「附加」、「補充」、「操作」的過程,使傳播社會藉此得以修復,或更趨「完整性」。 批判理論是否真的「行不通」,Lash的論點還有待檢驗,但其「內在於資訊本身之中」的「資訊批判」,確有可能,只是,衡量其理論與方法上的思考及解決,是否有助傳播領域學門知識在數位匯流時代中向前推進,顯然,資訊批判還不能算是「完成品」,至少還需累積更具體的經驗性研究,一個基進傳播現象學的「媒介理論」才得以「填補」完成。


In an age of digital convergence, Scott Lash recommends some points beyond traditional perspectives of communication by interdisciplinary theorizing. Lash's argument in Critique of Information is that the earlier critical theory is no longer possible. In the global information order, what happens is a shift from a culture of representation to a technological culture. Technological achievement of communication itself, as say the reflexivity of technological objects, causes the unintended consequences. We should be moving from representational culture of epistemology to technological phenomenology. The critique of information takes place through shock-experience, and critique itself and the critic can only be the supplement The critique of information lies in the power of the ”and” because there is no more transcendental or perfect theory outside. Is an older generation critical theory no longer possible? Lash's argument should be reexamined. However, it is possible that informationcritique must be inside of information. In addition, the study suggests that Lash has to accumulate more empirical research to complete his so-call ”mediatheory” It then really helps the knowledge of communication fields moving forward.


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