  • 期刊


The Study of Goal Orientation and Coach-Athlete Relationship in Archery Student Athletes of The Secondary Schools




Purpose: Based on perspective of goal orientation theory, this study was to explore the relationship between the goal orientation and the coach-athlete relationship in the archery student athletes of secondary school. Methods: The study was conducted surveys with convenience samples. A total of 300 questionnaires were distributed in the archery student athletes of secondary school, and 298 valid questionnaires were returned. The effective recovery rate was 99.3%. Results: The results were presented: the "task orientation" of archery student athletes had a significant positive influence on the "intimacy", "commitment" and "complementarity" of the coach-athlete relationship. In addition, the ego-orientation of archery student-athletes had a negative relationship with the "intimacy" of the coach-player relationship. Conclusion: The task orientation of archery student athletes was highly positive correlation with coach-athlete relationship. Coaches should encourage student athletes to become more proficient in their skills as a criterion for judging success. At the same time, they can also improve the positive relationship between coaches and athletes. It is recommended that follow-up researchers select qualitative research to gain insight into the degree of interdependence of coach-athlete relationships between student athletes in order to improve team cohesion and athletic performance.


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