  • 期刊

連鎖咖啡店顧客忠誠度模式之研究-Ordered Logit模型之應用

Formation of Models for Customer Loyalty for Coffee Chain Shops: An Ordered Logit Approach


僅管顧客忠誠度之相關研究由來已久,然連鎖咖啡店顧客忠誠度的研究卻是較少觸及的議題。相對於過去顧客忠誠度之研究大多僅將顧客忠誠度視爲連續依變數予以估計,本研究則是利用三個Ordered Logit模型,分析比較滿意度與人口統計變項對顧客忠誠度的影響程度,並試圖探討顧客忠誠度的邊際效果。文中利用PZB (1988)的理論基礎與SERVPERF (1992)衡量模式作爲服務品質滿意度的問卷基礎,並以台北市三家著名的連鎖咖啡店共300名消費者爲調查對象。研究結果發現:雖然以人口統計變數爲自變數的模型其影響效果已明顯優於服務品質滿意度模型,但結合人口統計變數與服務品質滿意度爲自變數的模型其影響效果最強,影響強度依序爲月平均所得、教育程度之「高中職」、單次消費金額、服務品質「反應力」、「關懷性」。本研究結果可做爲連鎖咖啡店及其它相關產業行銷策略規劃以及後續研究之參考。


Although the study of customer loyalty has been pursued for a long time, issues about customer loyalty for a coffee chain have seldom been discussed. Previous studies that analyzed and predicted the effect of customer loyalty studied it with continuous dependent variables. In this paper, we employed our survey data to estimate three ordered logistic regression models that treated customer loyalty by means of categorical dependent variables. In our analysis, we estimated and compared the effect of customer satisfaction and demographic variables on customer loyalty. The results also reveal a marginal effect of these variables on customer loyalty. We adopted five dimensions of service quality proposed by PZB model (1988) and ”SERVPERF” measurement method (1922) as the bases for designing customer satisfaction questionnaires. We obtained 300 valid responses from three of the most famous coffee chain shops in Taipei. The results of the research demonstrate that as an independent variable, demographic variables provide a better model fit for predicting customer loyalty than does satisfaction of service quality. However, when combining demographic variables with satisfaction of service quality as independent variables, the model performs significantly better than the other two models mentioned above. In addition, the results reveal that the income level, educational level, average single expense, and two of the five dimensions of service quality satisfaction-”responsiveness” and ”empathy”-were factors that had a significant positive effect on the prediction of customer loyalty. Our findings can help coffee chain shops and hospitality business enterprises formulate concrete and effective marketing strategies. They may also be used for reference for future research.


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