  • 期刊


Health Belief of Obesity and Weight Control Behavior among College Students in Taichung City


目的:肥胖是慢性病重要的危險因子,隨著肥胖盛行率增加,國人開始意識到體重控制的重要性,尤其是年輕族群特別注重外表與減重。本研究目的在於應用健康信念模式分析體重控制行為之相關因子。方法:本研究為橫斷性研究,隨機抽取台中市四所大學的大學生為樣本。採結構式問卷,內容包含受訪者背景因素、肥胖健康信念與體重控制行為三部分,共回收有效問卷1261 份。結果:58%受訪者有體重控制經驗,有體重控制意圖者54.4%,在健康信念五個構面中,以利益性認知(4.14)得分最高。體重控制行為中之節制飲食構面平均得分為2.72,身體活動構面平均值為22.47。女性、有體重控制經驗者、自覺體重肥胖者有比較好的健康信念與體重控制行為;複迴歸分析結果顯示,有體重控制經驗、有體重控制意圖、對減重利益性認知高與障礙性認知低的人有較好的體重控制行為。結論:整體而言,台中市大學生對於體重控制的有良好的利益性認知;建議體重控制行為可以從控制食量做起。


Purpose: Obesity is an important risk factor for chronic diseases. Along with increased prevalence of obesity, people began to care about weight control; especially the young people pay more attention on appearance and weight control. This study aim to analysis the relationship between health belief of obesity and weight control behavior. Method:In this cross-sectional study, random sampling was used to select four college students in Taichung City. The structured questionnaire was divided into three parts, including individual factors, scale of health belief and weight control behavior (include control appetite and physical activity). A total of 1261 valid samples were conducted. Results: Results showed that 58% participants experienced in weight control and 54.4% have weight control intentions. "Perceived benefits of action" is highest average score (4.14) among five dimension of health belief. The mean score of "control appetite" and "physical activity" is 2.72 and 22.47, respectively. The subjects who were women, have experience in weight control and feel overweight have better health belief and weight control behavior. Multiple regression analysis reveals that who have weight control experience, weight control intentions, higher score for "perceived benefits of action" and lower score for "perceived barriers of action" have more good weight control behavior. Conclusion: Taichung college students have a good "perceived benefit of action" of weight control. Researchers suggest that control appetite is a good starting of weight control.


國家衛生研究院(2009)。「國民健康訪問暨藥物濫用調查」結果報告。2014 年07 月13 日,取自:http://nhis.nhri.org.tw/2009download.html。
教育部體育署(2014)。101 學年度各級學校學生運動參與情形。2014 年10 月10 日。取自:http://www.sa.gov.tw/wSite/public/Attachment/f1403226443078.pdf。
