  • 期刊


Effects of the Intervention of Physical Education on Physical Fitness and Sleep Quality of College Students


本研究目的旨在探討體育課程介入對大學生體適能與睡眠品質的影響。以中部地區某科技大學修習體育課程學生為研究對象,進行體適能檢測及睡眠品質問卷,體適能檢測項目有坐姿體前彎、一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐、立定跳遠及女生800m、男生1600m跑走,睡眠品質以匹茲堡睡眠品質量表(Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index,PSQI)為工具。測驗所得數據以SPSS for windows 18.0套裝統計軟體處理,以描述統計、獨立樣本t檢定、卡方檢定與McNemar檢定等統計方法,顯著水準定為α=.05。結果:一、體適能前、後測比較上,柔軟度與瞬發力比較上未有顯著差異;在肌耐力與心肺耐力跑走上有顯著差異。二、體適能前、後測成績改變量分析,瞬發力增加了7.7公分;柔軟度增加了2.7公分;肌耐力增加了3.7次;心肺耐力跑走時間縮短了27.5秒,兩組體適能比較上均達顯著差異。三、兩組睡眠品質經改變量分析,在睡眠潛伏期、自評睡眠品質、藥物使用與睡眠總分比較上有顯著差異。結論:實驗組經過一學期的體育課程介入後,受試者的體適能與睡眠品質均有明顯提升,希望本文可以讓讀者進而起身多多參與運動,研究結果能提供體育課程教學及未來體適能及睡眠品質相關研究上之參考。


The aim of the study is to explore the effects of the intervention of physical education on fitness and sleep quality of college students. The population is students taking physical education from a university of technology and science in the area in Central Taiwan. Through purposive sampling, the subject is divided Experimental group and control group, and then physical fitness test and sleep quality questionnaire are conducted. In physical fitness test, being seated and bending forward, one-minute sit-ups with knee bends, standing long jump, 800m for girls and 1,600m for boys run and walk are all included. For sleep quality the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) is used. The data obtained from the test is processed with SPSS for windows 18.0 package statistical software, using statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, chi-square test and McNemar test, and the significance level is set as α=.05. The results are as follows: 1. There is no significant difference in physical fitness for pre-test and post-test, and in the items of softness and prompt force between the two groups; there are significant differences both in muscular endurance and cardiorespiratory endurance. 2. In physical fitness after pre-test and post-test, change analysis shows that the prompt force increases by 7.7 cm; the softness increases by 2.7 cm; the muscle endurance increases by 3.7 times; the cardiopulmonary endurance running time is shortened by 27.5 seconds, and so significant differences in physical fitness between the two groups are found. Change analysis in sleep quality, after pre-test and post-test, displays that here are significant differences in sleep latency, self-assessed sleep quality, and drug use and total sleep score. Conclusion: Physical education intervention can truly and effectively improve the physical fitness and sleep quality of college students. The researcher hopes that the results of this study will provide references for education teaching and researches on physical fitness and sleep quality in the future.


林貴福(2007)。幼兒體適能的生理學基礎。幼兒運動遊戲(頁 3-17)。臺北市:中華幼兒學會。
