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Collaborative Learning in Asynchronous Discussion Groups-The Modern World History as an Example


面對快速變遷的時代,大學也必須不斷地調整,才能符合時代之需求。近年來網際網路之發展加上對使用者友善的瀏覽器,使知識之傳播可超越時空之限制,而產生了虛擬教室之概念。線上課程並非只是以個人電腦與網路做為教育媒介,教師再將教材上網而已。網路教學需要不同的教材內容,不同的教學方式,以及不同的評量方法。 筆者為通識教育教師,開設網路課程「現代世界史」。本課程旨在擴展學生之國際觀,引導學生重思人生之意義與價值,並進而關懷地球、關心世局。本課程以非同步討論進行合作式學習;學生必須為自己、以及同儕的學習負責。本課程採彈性小組,學生自行選擇欲參與討論的議題。愈積極參與討論的學生,在作業的表現上也較佳。結果顯示網路教學確實可增加學生興趣,提高互動與溝通之頻率,並提升學習成績。因此,教師若能善用非同步討論之特質,將提供學生積極參與學習活動的機會,強化學生之歷史知識,並成為批判性的思考者。


Facing our fast-changing times, a university must adjust itself to meet the needs of this time. Internet development coupled with user friendly web browsers make knowledge delivery overcome time and distance constraints, and that is why the concept of virtual classroom appears. Online course does not only mean to combine personal computer and internet as an educational medium, and an instructor uploads his or her teaching materials online. E-learning needs different lectures, different teaching means, and different techniques for evaluation. The author is a faculty member in General Education, and teaches online course The Modern World History. This course aims to broaden students' world view, lead them in reflecting the meaning and value in life and being concerned about our planet and the world. The students must interact in a collaborative setting through asynchronous discussion groups, and they should be responsible for their own learning, as well as others. Group members are flexible, and a student would join any group with interesting issue (s). Those who are more active in participating in discussion would get higher grade in assignments. We found e-learning does increase interests among students, add the frequency of interactions and communications, and promote learning performance. If the instructor developing the asynchronous discussion features properly will give students the chance to engage the learning activities, improve their knowledge about history, and become critical thinkers.


