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A Study of the Relationship between Depression and Unemployed Parents and Other Factors in High School Students


本研究旨在了解高中職學生憂鬱程度與父母失業之情況,並檢視個人特質、生活事件、家庭及同儕等因素對一般在學青少年憂鬱程度的解釋力。研究母群體爲塞隆地區高中職之在學學生,以部分叢集隨機之抽樣方式進行取樣,並透過集體填寫問卷方式蒐集資料,和除遺漏資料後所得樣本數爲1447份。 本研究採複迴歸分析法,並藉由測量各因素間之交互作用來檢驗理論架構。研究結果顯示:7.3%學生是父母失業;學生的憂鬱程度在控制相關變項後,父母失業學生的憂鬱程度較高;其他影響學生憂鬱程度因素有:家庭暴力、同儕依附關係、父親依附關係、父母管教態度、物質使用、高三學生、及發生以下生活事件-自己人緣差、知心朋友少、爲友誼作出違背心意事、對未來茫然無所適從、自己不夠吸引人、與男(女)朋友感情困擾、女朋友或自己懷孕、學校考試多、聽不懂上課內容、冑、頭、經痛等煩惱、常生病請假及偷看日記覺得不受尊重;此外,父母失業且學生自己需打工貼補家用,學生的憂鬱程度更高。本研究結果建立了高中職學生之憂鬱與父母失業有正向關聯性,以作爲家庭、學校、衛生行政單位重視高中職學生憂鬱問題的參考。


失業父母 憂鬱 高中職學生


The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between depression and parents' unemployment in high school students. Structured questionnaires were used on students by cluster sampling classes from seven public and private schools in Kee Lung area during March to April 2003. A total of 1447 students were interviewed in this study. The Results showed that: The unemployment rate of the high school students' parents was 7.3%. The depression score of students who suffer from parents' unemployment was significantly higher than the students whose parents were employed after controlling all other factors. The other factors affecting students' degree of depression include: domestic violence, peer relationship, father-children attachment, parents' attitude of discipline, usage of medicine and drug, 12th grade students, and some of life events-low popularity in school, lack of intimate friends, against of will for friendship, uncertainty of the future, unattractive appearance, unexpected pregnancy, many exams in school, failure of comprehension in class, frequent sick leaves and feel uncomfortable when someone see your diary. Besides, the students suffering from parents' unemployment and having part time jobs to support their family had even higher degree of depression. There was positive correlation between the depression of high school students and the parents' unemployment. The results of this study can be used as the references for the family, school and health administration department for the investigation and intervention of high school students' depression.


