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Exploring the Effectiveness of Progressive Muscle Relaxation Rraining in Reducing the Job Stress of Preschool Education Workers


本研究主要目的在探討學前教育工作者所承受之工作壓力程度,與「漸進式肌肉放鬆」技術對舒緩學前教育工作者壓力之成效。研究對象在第一階段以立意取樣自中部一所科技大學幼保系進修部二技二年級約40名學生;第二階段徵求第一階段參加受試教師20名,自願參加「漸進式肌肉放鬆」技術訓練。研究工具採用「壓力知覺量表」(Perceived stress scale; PSS)及一般健康量表-25(General Health Questionnaire; GHQ-25);研究採率實驗設計(Quasi-experimental design)方式,並輔以問卷、觀察、錄影、訪談以蒐集所有相關資料,本研究分三階段進行:第一階段前則部分以量化分析的方式實施,以「壓力知覺量表」、「一般健康量表」分析學前教育教師壓力之程度及來源;第二階段,由參與第一階段受試之教師中徵求20名自願參加「漸進式肌肉放鬆」技術訓練者爲實驗組,施以每週二次,一次一小時,爲期四週的團體訓練。其餘之受試者則爲控制組,不施以任何訓練課程;第三階段於訓練課程結束後,立即對所有受試者施以「壓力知覺量表」、「一般健康量表」,並對參與「漸進式肌肉放鬆」技術訓練者進行事後半結構性訪談,藉以瞭解訓練課程的實施對受試者壓力舒緩之立即成效。 本研究主要發現:(一)不同背景變項的學前教育工作者,除年齡變項外,其餘皆沒有顯著之差異;年齡越輕者所知覺之工作壓力較年長者大,且自覺自身之健康狀況也比年長者差;(二)接受漸進式肌肉放鬆技術訓練之學前教育工作者其自覺工作壓力顯著低於未接受訓練者;(三)接受漸進式肌肉放鬆技術訓練之學前教育工作者其自覺自身健康狀況顯著優於未接受訓練者。


The purpose of the study is to explore job stress of preschool education workers and examine the effectiveness of progressive muscle relaxation training in reducing the job stress of preschool education workers. The study will adopt Quasi-experimental design. Data will be collected approximately 40 subjects from one of central Taiwan universities. First, for the quantitative analyses of the research questions, the questionnaires ”Perceived Stress Scale; PSS” and ”General Health Questionnaire; GHQ-28” will be used. Subjects will be divided into two groups, experimental group and control group. The experimental group subjects will participate in progressive muscle relaxation training programs. Control group does not have any programs. Two group both need to fill out questionnaires. For a more in-depth analysis of experimental group subjects' views on progressive muscle relaxation training in reducing the job stress. The experimental group will have a semi-structure interview. The results of the present study is (a) different background variables of preschool education workers, with the exception of the age variable, the other did not have significant differences, (b) after progressive muscle relaxation training, subjects significantly decreased their job stress, (c) accept the progressive muscle relaxation training of preschool education workers their own health significantly better than the situation did not receive training.


