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Hormone Replacement Therapy as a Disciplining Power of Menopausal Women


停經領域一直充滿著爭議及政治性,受到爭議的焦點在於荷爾蒙補充療法(Hormone Replacement Therapy, HRT)的使用,從早期用於治療停經症狀,到後來用於預防骨質疏鬆及心血管疾病,停經與HRT的使用已成爲公共衛生重要的議題。醫界建構停經爲一種健康風險,識別出停經婦女爲骨質疏鬆及心血管疾病的高危險群,爲了達到預防疾病的效果,長期服用HRT成爲停經婦女生活的一部分,甚至終其一生,而擔心HRT副作用、害怕效癌而停用之婦女,被醫學及公共衛生實務者建構成是無知、沒有責任感,弦調婦女爲了自身健康及避免社會醫療成本增加,婦女應選譯長期服用HRT,使自己免於疾病之風險。 在這樣的論述充斥之下,停經婦女一到停經年齡就自動就醫、服用荷爾蒙以預防疾病,爲了免於停經相關疾病發生及監控使用HRT效癌風險,婦女會自動到院接受相關檢查,HRT成爲規訓婦女的一種力量。本文全圖檢視此現象背後權力關係之運作,全盼醫護人員能反思HRT對於停經婦女的意義及重要性。


The subject of menopause is controversial and political, especially when the discussion is focused on the use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Since the promotion of the use of HRT in treating menopause symptoms, especially during the 1970s and 1980s, and its use to prevent osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease throughout the 1990s, it has become an important public health issue. The medical community has construed menopause to be a health risk. Women in the menopause are seen as a high risk group for osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. In order to prevent these diseases, the long-term use of HRT has become part of the lives of women in the menopause. In some cases, the use of HRT is for a lifetime. For those women who stopped using HRT out of fear of side effects and cancer, they are seen as ignorant and irresponsible by some public health practitioners. It is stressed that a woman should choose the long-term use of HRT for her own health in order to avoid the risk of diseases and to avoid increasing social medical treatment costs. Under the above popular opinion regarding the menopause, women who have reached the age for menopause seek treatment automatically and use hormones to prevent diseases. Women go to hospitals voluntarily to receive menopause-related examinations in order to avoid having menopause-related diseases and to monitor the risk of cancer due to the use of HRT. HRT has become a force to manipulate women. This article will attempt to examine the relationship of the extraordinary power behind this phenomenon, in the hope that healthcare workers will reflect on the meaning and importance of HRT for women in the menopause.
