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A Study of Juan Yuan's Practice at Statecraft in Social Welfare




阮元 社會經世


The great ancient philosopher Chuang-Tze said, to run a statecraft well has always been the ambition of ancient emperors. A statecraft means to manage a country well and offer the people good life, peace and security. The thought of statecraft shows positively social involvement and views individual and the society as one. It is necessary for personal achievement through living up to the society. Therefore, the eight standards in the book Da-Hsieh, investing things, extending knowledge to the utmost, sincerity, honesty, cultivating one's moral character, putting one's family in order, running the country well and giving the people peace and security, indicate clearly that everything starts from cultivating one's moral character. Still the goal fulfills in a statecraft and then the people gains peace and security. It is a consequent and uncuttable severe procedure from cultivating one's moral character well to running the society. Cultivating one's moral is only a method. A statecraft is the final destination. Therefore, both are equally important. Juan-Yuan was one of the scholars practiced the ideal of statecraft most in the Ching Dynasty. He is an eradicate Confucianist, who paid attention to how to run the country and practiced into action. He had utstandingly personal independence of conduct. He was refined and courteous and was an example of the later period and highly esteemed. As Annuals of Ching Dynasty wrote, Juan-Yuan was active in the Chien-Lung and Chia-Ching eras, and witnessed a period of great prosperity in cultural development. He led the scholarship for decades and was the example of scholars throughout the country. And Juan-Yuan was truly indeed the standard model of cultivating one's moral character well to running the society. Juan-Yuan sought betterment of himself and brought righteousness to the whole world. He could not only propose to take care of the public including misfortune succoring and charities actively, but also he practiced what he preaches throughout his life. Juan-Yuan’s social aid for country and people included attending personally to the front to relieve the disaster and give out alms to the poor, observing the situation to suppress bandits and dissolve the burglary, setting up the baby's hall to rescue the abandoned baby, establishing Pu-Ji hall to benefit the living beings, establishing Xu-Li hall to help the widowed, and strictly forbidding the usage of opium to protect the health of people. As I read his works, I am highly aspired by his upright character. Hence, I took his educative achievement as my topic, collected materials widely and studied carefully. I deeply hope to manifest his philosophy and will be beneficial to our present world.


Juan-Yuan social welfare

