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Discussion on "Cheerful Smile" Passage in "Eight Rows" of Analects




論語 繪事後素 集解 朱注


The eighth passage ”Cheerful smile” in <Eight Rows> of Analects caused some questions that need to clarify. First, what are the meanings of ”cheerful smile”? Seocnd, what is the origin of ”cheerful smile”? Third, what are the meanings of ”white after colors”? Fourth, what are the meanings of ”ceremony is a subsequent thing” and ”inspires me”? Fifth, how this passage's meaning connects to another chapter? Sixth, what are the advantages and shortcomings of different explanations? I found that many scholars concentrated their statement in the third questions. He Yan said that painting skill should use different colors at the beginning, and then used white color at last. But Thu Zi insisted different opinions. Zhu Zi said that painting should prepare plain ground, and then used different colors. Some subsequent scholars followed He Yan, but some followed Zhu Zi. I thought the third question was important, but the other questions should be discussed together also. I took the advantages of He Yan and Zhu Zi. I hoped the new explanation would bring new scope and found new meaning in this passage.


Analects colors follow plain Ji Jie Zhu Zhu
