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A Study on EFL Learners' Listening Comprehension Difficulties by Using Listening Diaries



本研究主要是探討技術學院學生的英語聽力理解困難,透過外語學習者的角度,了解聽力過程。研究對象爲北部某技術學院三年級學生,學生透過寫日記的方式,詳實記錄他們的英聽學習、使用的聽力策略及聽英語時所遭遇的困難。 研究結果發現學生的聽力困難可以分爲五大類:聽者本身的因素、聽力文本的因素、聽力任聽力過程及說話者因素。學生覺得對聽力理解影響最大的因素是聽力文本和聽者本身的因學生的主要聽力困難是來自於文本中有太多單字、文本的播放速度太快、聽者本身單字量不聽者本身缺乏練習和因爲思考前面的意思而錯過下面的內容。 根據本研究結果,英語教師可以了解學生的聽力理解之困難,教導學生有效之聽力策略,使能正確利用有效的聽力策略去克服這些學習困難,並進而改善英語聽力。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the English-listening difficulties encountered by students at an institute of technology in order to better understand the listening process from the perspective of EFL learners. One class of third-year students from an institute of technology in northern Taiwan was recruited as subjects. The subjects were asked to keep a listening diary about (1) their English listening experience, (2) the strategies they used to comprehend English, and (3) their listening problems. From an analysis of the diaries of 32 EFL learners, listening comprehension problems were divided into 5 categories: text, listener, listening process, speaker, and task. It was found the learners' listening problems were mainly influenced by the text factor and the listener factor. The top five listening problems encountered by the subjects were unknown words in the text, the speedy delivery of listening text, the listeners' limited vocabulary knowledge, the listeners' insufficient practice, and the listeners' inability to pay attention to the next part of the text when thinking about the meaning of the previous text. The results of the study are expected to generate implications for EFL listening instruction. By identifying and clarifying students' listening comprehension difficulties, English teachers can help students overcome these difficulties by helping students develop necessary and effective listening comprehension strategies to improve their English listening abilities.
