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The Effect of Different Glycemic Index Diets on the States of Anti-oxidation and Inflammation after Exercise


Jenkins等人於1981年提出升糖指數(glycemic index, GI)的理論,目前研究大都運用在糖尿病患者的血糖調控、體重管理上,亦有研究將其應用在運動選手的飲食調配上,但都較為著重在運動前的飲食選擇,較少就運動後體內抗氧化狀態及發炎情形作討論。本研究擬探討運動後攝取不同GI值的餐食,對於體內抗氧化狀態、發炎情形之影響。本研究以不同GI值的食材進行餐食設計並完成GI值之測定,接著以交叉(cross-over)設計方式進行試驗。受試者於10小時空腹後,先進行體位測量與採血,接著進行運動30分鐘,經休息30分鐘後,再次測量體位和採血,接著隨機給予低GI值(LGI組)、中GI值(MGI組)或高GI值(HGI組)之餐食,並在進食後的30、60、90、120分鐘採血。本實驗共招募20位女性受試者,平均年齡20.8±0.1歲,平均身高158.2±5.3公分,平均體重50.9±4.4公斤,平均身體質量指數20.4±0.9。結果顯示,屬於氧化壓力的指標-PC(protein carbonyl)與MDA(malondialdehyde)之濃度,於HGI組進食後的第120分鐘,與其他2組相比較皆有明顯的下降。IL-6(interleukin 6)之濃度在進食後第120分鐘,三組皆回復到運動前的濃度,而IL-10(interleukin 10)之濃度,HGI組於進食後的第120分鐘,與其他2組相比較皆有明顯的上升。運動後攝取高GI值的餐食,可顯著降低因運動所帶來之氧化壓力指標,對IL-6之變化無影響,IL-10則有顯著地提升,故對於體內抗氧化狀態、發炎情形或許有正面之影響。


升糖指數 醣類 運動 抗氧化 發炎


Jenkins et al. first proposed the concept of the glycemic index (glycemic index; GI) in 1981, and there have been many studies since regarding its application in the prevention of chronic diseases and for athlete's dietary arrangement. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of the intervention of different GI meals on anti-oxidation and inflammation after exercise in healthy adults. In order to investigate the effects of different GI diets on anti-oxidation and inflammation after exercise, different GI diet values were established and crossed referenced. Anthropometric measurement and blood collection of subjects were conducted after 10-h fasting and 30-min of exercise. After 30-min rest, the anthropometric measurement and blood collection were conducted again. Then, the different GI diets, including low GI value (LGI group), middle GI value (MGI group), or high GI value (HGI group), were provided to the subjects. After the meal, blood samples were collected at 30, 60, 90, and 120 minutes. Twenty female subjects were enrolled in this study. The average age, height, body weight, and body mass index (BMI) was 20.8±0.1 years, 158.2±5.3 cm, 50.9±4.4 kg, and BMI index was 20.4±0.9. The concentration of PC (protein carbonyl) and MDA (malondialdehyde), which represent oxidative stress, showed that there was significant decrease at 120 minutes after the consumption of the HGI diet, as compared with the other two groups. The concentration of IL-6 was restored to the pre-exercise level at 120 minutes after meal consumption, while the concentration of IL-10 was significantly higher in the HGI group than in the other groups 120 minutes after eating. Taking high GI value meals after exercise can significantly reduce PC and MDA, return IL-6 to pre-exercise levels, and increase IL-10 significantly, thus, it might have positive effect for antioxidant status and inflammation in the body after exercise.


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