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Perioperative Pressure Injuries Assessment Tools


運用手術相關的壓力性損傷風險評估量表,可協助手術室護理人員了解產生壓力性損傷的危險因素,有效識別高風險患者。本文蒐集國內外現有手術相關壓力性損傷常用的風險評估工具:Braden壓力性損傷風險評估量表、Munro手術全期病患壓瘡危險因素評估量表、PRAMS量表(Perioperative Risk assessment Measure of Skin)、SPURS量表(Surgical Prevention and Pressure Ulcer Risk Score)、Scott Tirgger Tool、ELPO(version 2)手術擺位導致損傷的風險評估量表、Waterlow量表,並說明其建置目的與適用對象,提供醫護人員手術全期照護時之參考,期能幫助醫護人員篩檢出高危險群,於手術全期提供合宜保護措施,降低手術病人壓力性損傷發生率。


The utilization of a surgery-associated pressure injury risk assessment scale can assist surgical nursing staff on understanding the risk factors associated with pressure injury, and help identify patients with high risks. The study compiled the various pressure injury risk assessment tools commonly used abroad and in Taiwan and described their intended objectives and applicable subjects: the Braden Scale for predicting pressure sore risk, the Munro Pressure Risk Assessment Scale, the Perioperative Risk assessment Measure of Skin (PARMS), the Surgical Prevention and Pressure Ulcer Risk Score (SPURS), the Scott Trigger Tool, the ELPO assessment scale of risk for surgical positioning injury (version 2), and the Waterlow scale. This article aims to provide a reference for pre-operative care for the nursing staff and to assist staff members in identifying the high risk groups, provide appropriate pre-operative projective measures and lower the risk of pressure injury incidents in patients undergoing surgery.


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