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Applying the Quality Caring Model in A Perioperative Nursing Experience of A Patient Undergoing Exploratory Laparotomy with Resection of Pancreatic Tail Tumor and Spleen




Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors occur in the pancreas, and surgical resection is the main treatment. The purpose of this article was to explore a perioperative nursing experience of a patient undergoing exploratory laparotomy with resection of pancreatic tail tumor and spleen. From Nov. 18 to 28, 2021, data were collected through observation, interview, and chart review according to a comprehensive assessment with perioperative nursing model as guideline. The health problems identified included acute pain, anxiety, and risk for perioperative-positioning injury. Applying Duffy's Quality-Caring Model, quality care elements were integrated into the caregiving process. By providing preoperative visiting and giving information about laparotomy resection of the pancreatic tail tumor and spleen, the author relieved the patient's anxiety. Through safety maintenance, and preventing inadvertent retention of foreign material, the author avoided the perioperative-positioning injury of the patient. By giving analgesics, teaching to avoid wound involvement and using abdominal bandage, the author relieved the patient's pain. Hopefully, this perioperative nursing experience can serve as a reference for health care professionals when caring for such patients.


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