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The Effect of the Offense and Defense Technique Factors on the Victory and Defeat in Tennis Singles and Doubles-Examples from Champions of 2013 Wimbledon Men's Singles and Women's Doubles


目的:探討女雙選手謝淑薇(Su-Wei Hsieh)與彭帥(Shuai Peng)及男單選手莫瑞(Andy Murray)在溫網(Wimbledon Championship)之各攻守技術因子對比賽勝負的影響。方法:本研究對象為2013年溫網女雙及男單冠軍與對戰之選手共計22名。統計方法採用獨立樣本t檢定,顯著水準設定為α=.05。結果:一、謝、彭組在第一發進球率、ACE球數、非受迫性失誤、第二發球贏球率、接發球點勝率及破發成功率等因子比落敗選手表現較佳(76.67%、.75顆、1.33次、51.67%、49.17%、76.25%;63.58%、.08 顆、2.41次、37.50%、40.00%、36.00%),t值分別為:2.80、2.86、-2.14、3.14、2.90、3.65(p < .05)。二、莫瑞在ACE球數、雙發失誤、非受迫性失誤、第一發球贏球率、第二發球贏球率、致勝球、接發球點勝率及破發成功率等因子比落敗選手表現較佳(3.76 顆、.52次、4.95次、80.62%、56.14%、12.42個、42.24%、53.38%;1.33顆、1.23次、8.85次、65.81%、40.43%、9.80個、27.52%、14.71%),t值分別為:4.69、-2.28、-4.03、5.40、3.22、2.22、5.57、5.09(p < .05)。結論:從各技術因子的結果分析發現,女雙冠軍謝、彭組在第一發球時並未佔到優勢,反而在第二發球時發揮得宜,成為保發球局的關鍵,她們亦有出色的接發球技術造成對手極大壓力,製造不少破發球局的機會,增加贏球的機率;另外男單冠軍莫瑞在本屆比賽中,無論是發球、接發球以及底線擊球的得分能力與穩定性皆表現優異,使他成為更具侵略性的選手。最後,本文發現共同之處,選手能把握破發球局與理想的第二發球,就可擁有勝利的契機。


Purpose: The study was to examine the effects of the offense and defense technique factors on Wimbledon Championship among women's doubles players, Su-Wei Hsieh and Shuai Peng and men's singles player, Andy Murray. Methods: Twenty-two players from women's doubles and men's singles in 2013 Wimbledon Championship were subjects in this study. The study adopted Independent t test as the statistical method. The remarkable standard established (α = .05). Result: First, Hsieh and Peng's performance was better than the loser's in the percentage of first-serve points won, Aces, unforced errors, the percentage of second-serve points won, receiving points wonand break point conversions. (76%, 75, 1.33, 51.67%, 49.17%, 76.25%; 63.58%, .08, 2.41, 37.50%, 40.00%, 36.00%) t value were: 2.80, 2.86, -2.14, 3.14, 2.90, 3.65 (p<.05). Second, Murray's performance was better than the loser's in Aces, double faults, unforced errors, the percentage of first-serve points won, the percentage of second-serve points won, winners, receiving points won and break point conversions. (3.76, .52, 4.95, 80.62%, 56.14%, 12.42, 42.24%, 53.38%; 1.33, 1.23, 8.85, 65.81%, 40.43%, 9.80, 27.52%, 14.71%) t value were:4.69, -2.28, -4.03, 5.40, 3.22, 2.22, 5.57, 5.09 (p<.05) Conclusion: The results of the study indicated that the champions of women's doubles, Hsieh and Peng, were not in a dominant position in the first-serve, but performed well on the second-serve which became the key to the hold. Their brilliant skills of serve and receiveput the opponents under huge pressure and increased the chances of winning by having more service breaks. In addition, the champion of men's singles, Murray, demonstrated excellent stability and scoringability in terms of serve, receive and groundstroke, making him a more aggressive tennis player. Finally, the study found that the better the players can handle the break and the second-serve, the more chances of winning they get.


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