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Conferring the New Development of General Knowledge Education from the Confluence Approaches Creativity Theory


二十世紀的科技高度發展帶來文化、經濟、政治的全球化現象,形成所謂的後現代社會,後現代社會的主要特質便是追求卓越、創意、多元價值。人類社會可說正處於現代化轉變為後現代價值觀的時期,後現代價值觀持續對現代化的價值觀、態度、科學和制度進行反思與批判;進而期待能在現有的經濟、文化結構中,以創新概念來創造個人與國家的競爭力。 台灣面對全球化的挑戰,正持續以創造力與創意來創造奇蹟,不論政府或企業組織皆積極地投入創新行列,企圖以創新的思維和行動,為自己、為後代子孫、為生活、為社區打造一個可永續發展的未來。教育單位有感於社會變遷急遽所造成的社會價值混淆與迷惑,而對國人的通識能力培育日漸重視,積極在各大學院校發展通識教育課程,以培育能因應新世紀挑戰能力的現代公民,並於民國83年創立中華民國通識教育學會,把通識教育列為大學教育課程的獨立領域,喚醒各大學院校體認通識教育的重要性,目前各大學專院校對通識教育可說已相當普遍,但是重要是如何「深化」教學內容、提升教學品質。站在通識教師的立場,本文期望能藉由系統觀點與投資觀點的匯合創造性理論探討,而對通識教育的內容深化、品質提升,能有所助益;本文首先介紹通識教育基本理念,然後分析新世紀社會特質,再引介匯合創造性理論,及探討創造性在新世紀對通識教育的啟示,最後提出結語。


The highly developed technology in the20th century has brought the phenomenon of globalized culture, economy and politics and formulated the postmodern society. The main characteristic of postmodern society is to pursuit excellence, creativity and the diverse values and the human society is now right on the critical point to turn to postmodern society from modern society. The postmodern value is keeping criticizing and introspecting the modernized values, attitudes, science and institution and furthermore the personal and national competitiveness with the innovative ideas could be expectedly generated from the existing economic and cultural structure. Facing with the challenge from globalization, Taiwan is keeping initiating innovative responses with creativity. By the new thinking and action, both the government and private enterprises actively put efforts in creating innovation to have a sustainable development in the future for every individual, community and the next generation. The education authority sensed that the dramatic social change generated the confusion of social values and therefore the emphasis on the general knowledge of each citizen is getting more and more. In order to breed the new citizens with the ability to face the new challenge more course for the general knowledge are available in most colleges and universities. Consequently, the R.O.C. General Knowledge Education Association was founded in 1994 and the general knowledge education has been listed as an independent domain in the university’s course structure and this action tried to address the importance of general knowledge education. The course for general knowledge education is quite common in every college and university so far, however, the crucial issue on it now is how we root the course content and uplift the teaching quality. From the point of view as a teacher for the general education, this article will try to confer the Integrated Creativity Theory with Systems Views of Creativity and Investment Theory and thus benefit the rooting course content and uplifting the teaching quality. In the following section, the basic concept for the general knowledge course will be introduced and secondly the characteristic of the new society will be analyzed. Then the article will introduce confluence approaches creativity theory and propose the comments to the general knowledge education with the concerns on creativity in the new society.
