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Confucianism Philosophy and General Education-An Initial Study of Confucians' General Education Philosophy


本文旨在專就「理念」層面,來論述「儒家哲學」與「通識教育」的關係,並將論述的焦點集中在:儒家義的「太極」與「核心通識教育」兩者的關係上。我們希冀藉此,以:一者,清楚呈現筆者對「通識教育」與「核心通識教育」的具體看法;二者,簡要說明「太極」的各種意義;三者,明確交代儒家義的「太極」之真實義涵;四者,使讀者明瞭儒家義的「太極」與「核心通識教育」兩者的關係;五者,同時也是最重要的,乃是:嘗試「初步」提出一立基於中華(漢)文化本位的「儒家式的通識教育哲學」。 全文共分六小節完成:一為「前言」。旨在交代本文寫作的來龍去脈與問題意識;二為「『認知型的學問』與『引導型的學問』」。旨在對世間的兩種學問稍作說明,以為後文的論述預作準備;三為「核心通識教育」。旨在承續上節所說,以交代通識教育的目的,並說明(筆者所界定的)「核心通識教育」的意義及其三個面向(或三種類型);四為「『太極』之諸義與儒家義的『太極』」。旨在說明「太極」的各種義涵,同時交代與例釋(筆者所詮釋的)儒家義的「太極」;五為「儒家義的『太極』與『核心通識教育』的關係」。旨在說明儒家義的「太極」與本校「核心通識課程」兩者的關係;六為「結論」。旨在綜覽全文,並將它歸納成數點簡要的結論。本文的結論,主要是:「核心通識教育」包含「一體三面」的「生命關懷教育」、「社會關懷教育」與「自然關懷教育」-「生命關懷教育」所要追求的「身心總體感通和諧之境」,即「身心一太極」也;「社會關懷教育」所要追求的「人我、群己,以及人與社會總體感通和諧之境」,即「人我一太極」、「群己一太極」及「人與社會一太極」也;而「自然關懷教育」所要追求的「物我,以及人與自然總體感通和諧之境」,即「物我一太極」及「天人一太極」也。


This article focus on the aspect of ”ideology”, it aims to transcribe the relationship between the ”Confucianism Philosophy” and the ”Core of General Education”; based on this we hope to (1) Give clear presentation on the view point of ”General Education” and the ”Core of the General Education”. (2) A brief explanation on the various meaning of ”Tai Chi”. (3) A through discussion on the true meaning of Confucians' ”Tai Chi”. (4) Allows readers to understand the relationship between the Confucians' ”Tai Chi” and the ”Core of General Education”. (5) Most importantly, it attempts to initial an establishment on Han's ”Confucians' General Education Philosophy”. This article is divided into 6 chapters. Chapter 1 presented the introduction; it describes the purpose of study and awareness questions. Chapter 2 contains ”awareness style knowledge” and ”directive style Knowledge”; this chapter provides detailed discussion between the 2 philosophies, and a preparation for future study. Chapter 3 focus on the meaning of ”Core of General Education”; as described above, it aims to further discuss the purpose of the General Education, It also presented the author's take on the meanings of ”Core of General Education” and its 3 different aspect (or 3 model) Chapter 4 defines ”Tai Chi” and Confucians' Tai Chi”; it aims to explain various meaning of ”Tai Chi”, while at the same time illustrate the author's take on Confucians' Tai Chi”. Chapter 5 describes the relationship between the Confucians' Tai Chi” and the ”Core of General Education”; it clarify the relationship between Confucians' Tai Chi” and the ”Core of General Education”. Chapter 6 includes a conclusion; it summarizes the entire article, and organized it into several simple conclusions. In conclusion, the ”Core of General Education” contains the 3 in 1 aspect: ”Life Caring Education,” ”Social Caring Education” and ”Environmental Caring Education”; ”Life Caring Education” pursuits ”the harmony between the body and soul” or ”body and soul-Tai Chi”; ”Social Caring Education” pursuits ”self, group, and social-interpersonal harmony” also called ”self-Tai Chi”, ”Group-Tai Chi” or ”social-interpersonal-Tai Chi”; ”Environmental Caring Education” pursuits ”entity, and the harmony between people and nature” also called ”Entity-Tai Chi” or ”All in One-Tai Chi”.
