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An Investigation of College Students' Internet Literacy and Reading Motivation




The purpose of this study was to explore the significant differences and correlations on Taiwanese college students' reading motivation and their internet literacy. A total of 693 college students were stratified randomly selected from 17 colleges. All participants completed "Reading motivation scale" and "Internet literacy scale". ANOVA and SEM were conducted to compare the differences of students' reading motivation and internet literacy among different background participants, and relationships between reading motivation and internet literacy. The initial findings were as follows: college students with higher reading frequency and more reading time had significantly higher "reading motivation" and "internet literacy" than those with lower reading frequency and less reading time. In addition, students' curiosity was the most significant predictor to their internet literacy. Therefore, we suggest that university teachers can arouse the curiosity of college students through life issues, and then improve their reading motivation and internet literacy. Educational application and discussion are provided.


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