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Teaching Design and Practice on Integrating Humanities and Science Domains: A Class of Chinese Language Competency as an Exemplary




Currently, the results of international students' assessments reported that Taiwanese students have excellent performance in mathematics and science, whereas most of students have fewer interests in and low self-confidence in learning mathematics and science. They also lack for logical thinking and problem-solving abilities. In general, most of school settings pay much more attention to the cultivation of students' mathematics and scientific knowledge and practical skills but not to enhancing students' humanistic literacy. This study implemented a 4-week 8-hour transdisciplinary teaching intervention to integrate both humanities and science knowledge in a Chinese Language course for improving students' interests and imagination. I conveniently selected a total of 54 sophomores with major in nursing from a University of Technology in southern Taiwan to participate in this study. The researcher served as a main instructor, and the other two instructors joined the teaching team and provided innovative suggestions to the main instructor during the intervention. All the participants filled a questionnaire to assess their learning performance at the end of this study; students were requested to complete study sheets and assignments per week. The current study found that most of students have improved their high level of logical thinking and imagination. Moreover, they could apply content knowledge into individual daily life and express the aesthetics of life themselves. The author also obtained obvious benefits for modifying her teaching strategy and understanding of students' needs through a reflection process, which might provide a deep insight for future related studies.


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