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A Study of Social Care Course Design and the Evaluation of Learning Outcomes under Different Final Assessment: Taking two Classes of General Education at National Chung Hsing University as an Example




Social care course design in university, which is varied with the life experience and professional knowledge of the instructor, is formed mainly in rehabilitation counseling and referring to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It includes nine themes of icebreaking activities, environmental and attitude barriers, dark classroom experience, relevant Taiwan regulations, UN declarations and conventions about rights of disabilities, assisted technology, person with visually impaired, person with physically impaired, and rehabilitation counseling. This study took two classes of social care course of general education at NCHU, totally 117 undergraduate students, as convenience sampling. Under t test and qualitative data analysis, there were no significant differences between the two classes in their usual performance; mid-term reports and reflection. However, there were significant differences in the final assessment and total score. The content of individual final reports of class B is more appreciative. In many final reports, diversified conceivability, in-depth observation, advocacy and response to the connotation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, such as non-discrimination, awareness-raising, and accessibility. According to the results of this study, we suggest the instructor of general education in university may adopt experiential learning in course design and use individual report as final assessment. On the sequence, students can apply what they have learned in the classroom to social care awareness and actions.


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